Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Res

            In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, the reservation represents a state of “nice and safe” familiarity. The reason I say “nice and safe” with such hesitation is because in the, for lack of a better word, general sense, it really is not a nice and safe place. But since Junior has accepted the way others treat him and the belief that he is meant to stay on the reservation for the rest of his life, it is hard for him to imagine leaving it, especially to go to Reardan. I like to keep moving forward in my life and I try my best maintain that mindset. Yet, the more I think about leaving for college, the more life altering it seems. I know that leaving for college is a life changing experience and it’s a huge milestone, but it is hard to move on. I do not want to go to college anywhere locally so I would move pretty far away. I would be leaving behind my family, friends and the sense of familiarity, just like Junior did. But Junior understood that he had to leave his comfort zone and risk everything he had to be able to have a better life. This is exactly what I have to do. There is always some amount of apprehension about making such a huge leap, but its definitely worth it.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Native Sons

Bigger does not think things through. That is what gets him in all the trouble he has gone through in the text. In many instances, Bigger fails to react well to the situation and never thinks of the repercussions actions he is about to commit. For example when he dumps Bessie's body down the air shafts before retrieving his money and when he jumps out the window when they find the bones in the furnace. If I was on the jury, I would be convinced by Max's argument that Bigger was forced to commit his acts because of society. Maybe since I have gotten to know Bigger throughout the book, I cannot think of him as a stranger and it causes me to be bias. But I definitely think Max provides a good argument to why Bigger was forced to commit his acts because of white oppression.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Principal To Keep

I am not going to expect others to do things I would not do. There is only one principal I would keep under any circumstance, I would never sacrifice someone I love for my personal gain. I believe that everyone should uphold this principal because, in the end, you would only be hurting yourself. Sacrificing a loved one for personal gain is an extremely selfish act and it will be instantly regretted. The amount of guilt would be so overwhelming that it would rip the person up on the inside. Personally, I would sacrifice myself for a loved one. In The Road, I believe that the father keeps this principal. He does everything he can to keep his son alive.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Janie is a very strong person. She is able to withstand many hardships and abuse. Most of Janie's struggles come her now late husband Joe. For many years, Joe abused Janie in many ways. He would insult her appearance and make her feel incompetent by telling her that she is not capable of doing anything correctly. Since Janie is very attractive and has beautiful hair, Joe makes her cover herself up. Joe treats her this way because he is becoming very unattractive and sick. As his condition worsens, so does his treatment of Janie. At the conflicts peak, Janie insults Joe when she becomes fed up when Joe starts insulting her for cutting tobacco wrong at their store. When Janie finishes insulting Joe, Joe hits her. After this, the couple becomes very distant until Janie finds out Joe is going to die of kidney failure. She goes to talk to Joe about everything she has felt. After Joe dies, she feels very liberated. I admire how Janie put up with everything that Joe did to her until the end. She only let everything out at the end. Janie is a very brave and strong woman.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thankful For a Classmate

 During the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, everyone should be thankful for all that they have. Everyone should be thankful for, family, food, friends and classmates. Two classmates I am thankful for are Nathan and Jacob. Other than being interesting, entertaining, intelligent and great people, they are very hard working and helpful. I am very thankful that I am able to work with them in class because they improve me and my work. They help me obtain a deeper meaning of the texts and get more out of the work. Hopefully I have returned the favor to them, as well as made them thankful for having the opportunity to work together.

Monday, October 27, 2014


After all I've learned about Ernest Hemmingway,  I have had a very interesting impression of him. Hemmingway is a very unique person and shows it in his works. Hemmingway's stories say a lot about his life, like his war time experience, his love life, his relationship with his family, and his personality. He had a very hard life and many of his stories describe his feelings and thoughts. Because of this, we have an amazing way to find out more about Hemmingway. His emotions combined with his incredible writing abilities produced the most amazing works of literature we all enjoy today.

Monday, September 29, 2014

6 Six Word Stories

1. I did not see it coming.
2. Pondering, when it finally hit me.
3. She said the autopsy was inconclusive.
4. I'm tired of the constant paranoia.
5. I see it, in the mirror.
6. When is it going to stop.